Top 10 Best 24-hour moisturizer your SKIN | Best moisturizer for dry skin | Facial Moisturizers of 2023


Best moisturizer for dry skin

Best 24-hour moisturizer your SKIN

1) Minted Lemon Greens

I’ve said this before in the early days of my blog, but this is truly a great moisturizer. I assume the catchphrase was made to look cheesy because it is a great moisturizer. All the ingredients are rich in vitamin B that is nourishing, however, you could use this if you just want to moisturize your skin. I personally use it for mornings without makeup on and it’s a great morning moisturizer for those with dry skin. Enjoy!

2) Camille Candela Universal Sleeping Cream

It might look like a lunchbox thing but this is actually a really nice moisture moisturizer. I swear by this cream in the mornings and in the evening and have since I’ve discovered it. This is because this is as close to moisturization as you can get without lathering it all over your body, of course, it’s impractical but if it’s effective at getting your skin to look more hydrated, why not? This is the moisturizer I recommend when I’m getting ready to head out. It keeps my skin hydrated for 20 minutes, so whether I’m lounging in my room for some reading or wanting to go on a walk with my dog and showering is timed accordingly. This one is a winner.

3) Mustela Swirl Cream

This moisturizer is great for both overnight and morning moisturizing purposes. It is a vegan moisturizer and thinks it can stop the itchiness from scratching your face. There are three of these pack crème formulas and there are skin care experts who have given their two cents about how this formula works and it is my suggestion to find one you’re convinced works well for you. Though this seems to have the best dermatology reviews on it, you can always find the formula that works best for you. Who knows, you might end up liking it so much that you actually start buying it on your own.

4) Vaseline All-in-One Hydrating Cream

This line of skin-loving cream is great for making the skin soft all over. Not only that, it actually has the ingredients to help with melasma and says that it is also moisturizing. It has vitamins A, D, and K which nourish your skin.

 5) Joanna Vargas Vitamin C serum

I have hypothyroidism and this serum is for my face. Vitamin C produces melanin and therefore prevents the inflammatory process that inflames skin atopic dermatitis. This serum has a great combination of Vitamin C and Vitamin E which moisturize the skin. This kind of serum is not super costly and also moisturizes extremely well. There are some great Vitamin C alternatives on the market but this one is also incredibly moisturizing.

6) Avondale Seaweed Moisturizing serum

I like Avondale’s formula in particular. Instead of using hydrolyzed ingredients or fish oil derivatives, this makeup brand uses sodium bicarbonate in the form of a spirulina leaf extract. This formula is actually placenta extract and contains five vitamins and coconut extracts which hydrate and shield the skin from free radicals. I tend to use both face and body moisturizers, so this is the step I would take when starting out with my moisturizer routine.

7) Elizabeth Arden Advanced Night Repair Cream

An exfoliating serum that moisturizes and protects skin? Being that the serum is a moisturizer, I would also use Elizabeth Arden Advanced Night Repair Cream to protect my skin from any harsh situations. This formula is wonderful for hydration, hydration, and hydration. Skin will be super hydrated when you apply this to your face. I’ve been skeptical at the time but now that I use skin moisturizer every night and evening, there is no beating it at any price. In my opinion the best face moisturizer out there today!

8) Hypoallergenic Tinted Vitamin E Beauty Serum

In addition to protecting and moisturizing skin, I would recommend this serum to any cosmetics-shy person who could use some extra sleeping. The ingredients alone are excellent but don’t forget to use this serum night and day. Its gentle formula will soften skin and also treat to protect the skin around your eyes. I use this serum for my skin to hydrate and hydrate. I think it’s great and I encourage anyone to try this first which is 100% vegan and cruelty-free.
